Monday, 6 September 2010

Wind in the Willow

Really windy today-children hyper, caught up in the gusts and swirling round as fast as the leaves and small branches that have been dislodged from the trees. The willow circle looked amazing, the silver of the leaves glinting like a shoal of fish twisting and turning. No rain yet today despite the forecast and it still feels warm but autumn is definitely in the air. Saw field maples today with their leaves already yellow and Wh came home from the library with a bag full of books and a bag full of conkers still in their cases-they look so full of promise, I wait with interest to see how big the seeds inside are...

No birds this afternoon, but over the last few days the smaller ones are flocking together, greenfinches, goldfinches and blue tits, keeping each other company and providing safety in numbers.The sparrows keep themselves to themselves but then they are a flock on their own, 26 was our highest count-not bad for a garden that previously has only seen the odd one or two. The blackbirds and Robin have been back this week too having been absent since about July, not regular visits yet but enough to let us know they are around and about.

Unlike the collared doves who have been brazenly mating whilst on the feeder a few feet from the kitchen window, difficult to ignore as were the questions it led to from Wh!!!! What with the doves, the cabbage white butterflies and the wood pigeons you could be forgiven for thinking about spring rather than autumn.

The veg patch is looking too tired to continue the illusion though, and the pumpkins give the game away, a gorgeous orange colour and swelling nicely with the rain and more due tomorrow. Shame there isn't more sun forecast yet as my tomatoes are looking very green still-chutney rather than pasta sauce is looking a distinct possibility!!!

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