Monday, 17 October 2011

6 weeks in...

Well six weeks into the new term and its been a rollercoaster ride.

Getting to know lots of new staff and pupils, working out how to get around the new schools, finding keys to all the locks that nobody has used for months and eeking out corners to store equipment. Its taken a while to feel settled and safe. As usual sessions with the children have provided an anchor. Feeling that they are being supported and in some cases enjoying the sessions makes all the rest worthwhile, although it can be hard to hold onto that sometimes!

This weeks highlights have included: some environmental art...

a dinosaur footprint...

and some earthworks to defend the den...

It hasn't all been positive outcomes though. We had a failed attempt at a fire which the year 6 (non directed) group had asked for so they could make hot chocolate.  But the two pupils(out of 30!) who stayed the distance were pretty close to getting it going. Fingers crossed they are keen to continue the challenge next session, they had worked well together and problem solved each time it didn't work. Now they need to keep trying and see that the effort of learning was worth it!

They had a lot of peer support too although the class were frustrated when the whistle blew that it was the end of the session and they realised they weren't going to be served hot chocolate.

It will be interesting to see how many volunteers there are this week to create the fire...

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